Thursday, 17 November 2011

A new beginning

Well hello and hi and how are you?

So as you will have noticed (because I know you check this site regularly for updates of my misfortune) that my last post came in September 2010 shortly before I left my little village, and headed for the big city. The future looked very bright and I thought that just perhaps my life would no longer be a series of laughable events. Not so lucky. First and foremostly I lost my job, or rather I was told to leave (not, I would like to add, in the escorting from the building kind of way that I half feared) because I cannot write about telecoms. Protest as my family might, ultimately my bosses were right; after 10 months of reading, writing and researching the subject I still know fuck all about telecoms. Oh of course that was all after I threw cake at a senior staff member and punched my boss in the stomach. Neither of which was brought up in my evaluation.

Now, on a happier note, I have a new job which is alright but not very exciting (I have however already made a joke about dogging to a colleague- too soon?) which is where blogging comes in. I am going to join the mass of bloggers in the world to try and get heard I realise this may be pointless but meh. That's right: meh.

But I digress, as I am prone to do. I am now starting a new blog no longer about travelling but about living in London. WAIT! Before you click away this is not going to be a diary of my life (too boring) but I realised that if I have two strengths it is writing about my personal misfortunes and finding free/cheap things to do in London. Partly due to the boring job and partly because I am cheap. So what I propose dear reader is that I will endeavour to find cheap things for all of us living in the capital and maybe ad lib a little about my experiences in doing them.

I also want suggestions from anyone who has found something that I might be able to try or if they would like to write a guest post on this blog (I realise this may not seem like a very glamourous offer but I am trying to make a community of sorts).

Now are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

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