I seem to be one of the few people who do not know about the phenomenon of "First Thursdays". I lived down the road for a year and knew nothing about it.
If you knew about it, why didn't you tell me? Hmm? And for those who still have no idea what I am referring to, but are still reading with interest, allow me to explain.
First Thhursdays are, shockingly, the first Thursday of every month. Still with me? All over East London, galleries open later for general exhibitions and special events. Tis a fairly simple idea but one that seems to amazingly popular.
Galleries like the Whitechapel and the Barbican participate in this night of artistic frivolity, but I think the best thing about it are the new artists displaying their work on this one evening a month.
I went for the first time last week up to the Vyner Street Gallery (off Cambridge Heath road before you get to the canal)to see my friend's exhibition, Breathe and Reboot, which was wonderful. There were several spaces open down this one, fairly small, road that were easily identifiable by the crowds spilling over onto the pavement by 8.30pm.
It felt all continental and nice. Or that could have just been the free/exceptionally cheap wine. Either way it was a lovely way to spend an evening and get to see something different for free.
My best bit of advice would be to set off with a group and see what you can find. By all means head to a few of the main roads, but find new places you didn't know existed. My friend and I passed Donlon Bookshop that I had never seen before but went in and found some beautiful arty books and prints. It's these little finds that I think make it worthwhile.
The website here has a pretty comprehensive list of the main galleries involved. It also shows you some walking tours if you don't fancy trying to stumble upon things. They also offer bus tours but that just seemd silly to me.
I shall see you there next month. I will be the one in oversized glasses, checked shirt looking all cool and aloof. It'll be like a real-life version of Where's Wally.
UPDATe: The Guardian have put together this slideshow of one of the shows on Vyner Street called Arthaus. A good example of some of the new work you can see. And a way to stay ahead of the Guardian.
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